(CTEI网讯) 会议:第十二届亚洲纺织会议暨2013中国纺织学术年会 时间:2013年10月24-26日 地点:上海东华大学 分会场:高品质产业用纺织品 报告题目:改变回收远红外线纤维比例对FPET/TPET复合非织物的影响 报告人:邢雅岚
报告英文简介: Environmental issues increasingly important, sustainable use become a common issue in the community, In addition to the various programs of the government to promote, numerous heat energy saving in industries were equivalent important. This study combines environmentally friendly materials including recycled far-infrared polyethylene terephthalate (RFPET) fibers, which increase air content’s three-dimensional hollow Polyethylene Terephthalate (TPET) fibers, and low melting temperature polyethylene terephthalate (LPET) fibers (20 wt%), needle punching with various ratios (0 wt%, 20 wt%, 40 wt%), melting LPET through the hot pressing to make the RFPET/TPET hybrid nonwoven fabric without any chemical adhesive. Evaluate and compare the tensile strength, tearing strength, air permeability, and far infrared emissivity to find the optimal parameter of the fabrics.
【专题】第十二届亚洲纺织会议暨2013中国纺织学术年会 http://www.ctei.gov.cn/special/2013nzt/atc12/
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