(CTEI网讯) 会议:第十二届亚洲纺织会议暨2013中国纺织学术年会 时间:2013年10月24-26日 地点:上海东华大学 分会场:现代纺织装备技术 报告题目:节能是未来纺织机械的发展方向 报告人:张会娟
报告英文简介: Saving energy would not only have great social benefits, but also be beneficial to reduce the cost of production. Yarn manufacturing stages are known as energy intensive processes. Parallel to emerging concerns about energy and environment in the world, China had also alerted about energy savings and management regulations. The type of spinning system plays a significant role in reducing energy consumption. Modern spinning products system are developing towards the direction of short process, continuation and efficiency, automation and saving energy. Compared the energy consumption between modern and traditional ring spinning system , analyzed energy-saving means and devices in modern ring spinning, provided some advices for the future modern machinery in energy saving.
【专题】第十二届亚洲纺织会议暨2013中国纺织学术年会 http://www.ctei.gov.cn/special/2013nzt/atc12/
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